Friday, February 29, 2008

wear and tear

that was definitely the most tired i've been at the start of a workout90X so far. i had a real tough time "bringing it" and "forgetting the rest."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Arms and shoulders, done. Checked out of the lovely Lancaster Arts
Hotel. Goodbye for now, Pennsylvania.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today was my first time using the heart rate monitor. It was pretty cool, it kept beeping everytime i seemed to slack and drop out of my "zone". Ever wonder what that weird belt was that runners wore under there nipples? I guess its an electrode device that sends the wrist monitor the signal for your heart rate. I would recommend it. I got the older model, Polar FS1 edition. it still does the job.


yes, plyometrics makes me sweaty, like, LL sweaty.

Week 2

A little bit tired for week 2. It was a long weekend of fun, drinking, and of course kenpo X. We had a fellow P90er visit us this weekend and join along in our kenpo. it was goooooorgeeeeous.
we had a some recovery drink and decided to capture our p90x group moment.
I will say that I have already noticed some improvement, not necessarily in my body but in my workout. That is very encouraging after one week. I can see how one could get a little tired of this workout if it was longer than three weeks. The change of pace will really be good for the mind as well as the body. I believe we have a couple more people starting this week. Cant wait to hear their feedback.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Weak 2

I struggled with my workout today. It might be attributed to the fun weekend I had in Oakland. George took me to this real ghetto burger joint where I ate 2 corndogs and a warm coke in a coffee cup. And if that wasn't bad enough, we went again the next night!
I did the same amount of reps on pushups/pullups as i did last week, but I am hurting more than last time. But for ab ripper x, i made sure i maintained good form instead of flailing around using my back. I figure 10 good reps is better than 25 bad ones. i'm gonna make it a point to increase my reps every week.
thanks to all the friends up in oakland, it was great hanging with you all.

Workout, Interrupted

The problem with being on-call 24 hours is sometimes they call you in
right after the second set of wide-fly pushups.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, February 24, 2008

rest day

i'll be spenging my rest day flying for a press check. already delayed 2 hours at SFO, so that trickles down to about a 4 hour later arrival in harrisburg, PA.

kenpo is fun, as long as you don't get into an argument about proper form with a former karate student. my sorest spot today is the brachioradialis on both arms:

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 6 Kenpo X

Greetings from the living room of the Colburn/Maneevone residence in sunny Oakland, CA. We just finished a Kenpo X 3-way. I think it was a great workout to end to after a week of intense workouts. I still got my sweat on, but I didn't feel wasted like I did on the other workouts. And not only was it a good workout, but now I will no longer have fear of being attacked by a sexual predator after training with Kenpo X.
George also introduced me to the way of the recovery drink. It tastes pretty good, reminds me of orange julius. I'd want to order some except for the fact that my wife Brynne will get mad at me because I already bought a $25 bucket of MetRx chocolate protein powder. It doesn't taste bad, but the recover drink tastes more juicy than it does shaky. Week 1 in the books people!

Friday, February 22, 2008


so i was taking a leak before starting legs and back and started wondering how many times he would say "GORGEOUS" in this set.

that's when it hit me: the P90X drinking game:
1 drink every time he says gorgeous
1 drink every time he says bring it
2 drinks every time he says extreme...

you get the idea. of course there are all kinds of modifiers and variants that could be developed, i think this is something we should look into after we finish the course.

Day 5 in the books

Finished the Legs/Back/Abs section of the workout. I read an article that if you work out your legs more often, your metabolism speeds up and the other muscles in your body begin to strengthen. This is due to the fact that your legs is the most muscular part of your body. I am now off to connect theP90x rainbow in Oaktown. See you all on Monday...and for some of you, in a couple hours.


Now I know this is where we post our P90X findings and results and that is why I am posting this. I think that P90X gave me the strength to muscle through 2 games last night in order to help our team achieve a 2nd consecutive championship. So thank you P90X!!! It was a glorious win.

Yoga (day 4)

So I had a full day today then ended up hanging out with friends at a bar until about 11:30. I got home around midnight. But I sucked it up and did the whole 1 1/2 hrs. of yoga. All the moves were real tough like Madt and George said earlier. I am just glad all the hard stuff was in the beginning. I also want to proclaim my man-crush to the ripped brotha in the back Adam. That guy is a beast. But I can't help but think that I've seen him before.......

Thursday, February 21, 2008

stretching = fail

i am, like, ultra beginner at this yoga junk. but i plan on improving, so i will seek out enlightenment from this yoga master:

Yoga Day

Don't get it twisted. This isn't an easy day, well not for me at least. I was sweating up a storm and the stretching hurts. You are twisted like a damn pretzel on some of them. Also I wasnt aware but the Yoga part is like an hour and a half. I did it this morning before work and only allowed for an hour so I had to cut it short. I will continue again this evening after our championship games.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

day 3 brings hope

if i sat at my cube any longer than 30 seconds today, i had to stretch before i could stand up straight, let alone walk anywhere. thus, it was with some trepidation that entered into Ab Ripper X session two. happily, it ended way faster than i thought it would! i no longer fear the Ripper... X.

the arms and shoulders was a nice set, gotta work on form and getting the right weight still.

in other news, every time he mentions recovery drink, i think of the slurm factory episode of futurama.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Plyometrics was pretty tiring. The main thing that kept me going was the fact that if a guy with a prosthetic leg could finish, I sure as hell better finish it too. One of my goals is not only to get in shape, but to also beat any disabled person on a contest of fitness anywhere,anytime.


my hip flexors hurt. definitely need to work on the soft landings. as promised, the before pics:

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 1 My Pics

Day 1 was pretty tough. However like mark said just pace yourself. Get used to the movements you have 90 days to get it right.

i totally had to use a chair for pull ups

he says "X is for extreme" like 873 times, and the 90 i totally get, so what does the P stand for? painful?

ab ripper x, i hate it... but i *hate* it.

diamond pushups feel like my arms might rip off.

left my camera cable at work so pics tomorrow, lads. in the meantime:

i almost threw up

So I just finished my first day of the P90x. It is a totally different type of workout than I have ever done before. My arms and chest were twitching from all the pushups. In less than an hour, you end up doing like 250 pushups and 40+ pullups. The key is to pace yourself, don't let the ego mess up your form. It's only the 1st of 90 days. There's plenty of time to work your way up. Good luck to all of you who are up to the challenge.

Day 1

Just got back from a long nice weekend in SLO. Today is going to be the first day of P90X for me and a few friends(Mark, Matt, Alvin, Michael, and Me). Our goal is to get ripped for the summer. I will put my pics up later along with my stats. I encourage all you guys to do the same thing. LETS GET EXTREEEEEEEEEME.

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